Meet Dr Mike, Director of Sugarland Animal Hospital
Dr Mike is the Director of Sugarland Animal Hospital, Bundaberg Emergency Animal Hospital, Coral Coast IT and VetSEO.
He is currently living in Sunny Bundaberg QLD and is a father of 3 humans and one puppy.
Dr Mike enjoys music and plays several instruments. He spends his spare time motorcycling with his boys, riding his Harley or enjoying the beautiful beaches around the region.
Sugarland Animal Hospital is an ASAV Accredited Hospital of Excellence and has been awarded Lincoln’s Best led practice and VBG Business of the Year in 2021.
For more details, visit their website here.
Here we sit down with Dr Mike, to know a bit more about his journey as an entrepreneur.
Q. Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur — how did you get started? What inspired you?
Dr Mike: I have always loved Animals, as a child I would often have some in my care. I grew up wanting to help them and found I wanted a career with animals. Becoming a Veterinarian has been a lifetime dream.
Q. What’s one thing in your routine that you do consistently that has made a huge difference in your personal or business life?
Dr Mike: I am constantly learning and growing > personal growth has made the biggest difference in everything.
Q. Who are your mentors and inspiration? and what knowledge or insight did they give to you that was valuable?
Dr Mike: I follow Darren Hardy. His knowledge of leadership and marketing has been a complete game-changer.
Q. What has been your most satisfying moment in business?
Dr Mike: Realizing the key ingredient to my success was getting the right people on board to help me.
Q. How do you market your business, and which tactics have been most successful?
Dr Mike: Social marketing, branding and advertising. utilizing our database has been key.
Q. What have been your biggest failures or challenges?
Dr Mike: Failing to get unbeatable systems in place.
Q. How did this failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success?
Dr Mike: I worked harder to get those systems in place.
Q. If someone was to create a TV show about you, what would it be about and what would it be called?
Dr Mike: Bundy vet (like Bondi Vet but better).
To keep up to date with Dr Mike and his journey, connect with him on Facebook, and Youtube.