Join Our Conversation with Shannon, Founder of SoulPowered Brands

Michelle Whiting
7 min readMar 27, 2023


Shannon Marie is the Founder of SoulPowered Brands, a US-based company that provides education for Createpreneurs to elevate their business and THRIVE.

For more information on Shannon Marie check out her weekly newsletter @ and follow her on Twitter at

Today, we sat down for a conversation with Shannon to learn more about her entrepreneurial journey. Here’s what she told us!

Q. Tell us a little more about your journey as an entrepreneur — how did you get started? What inspired you?

Shannon: I have the typical “from corporate to digital nomad” background. I spent a lot of time working for large companies like Nike, Gap, and Intel before I set out on my own. I thrived in those environments at the time and I loved the energy of working with big brands. Part of that journey was all about finding my own path and taking on more responsibilities.

Eventually, I landed a job at a company called, which was one of the fastest-growing action sports companies at the time. That’s where I had the opportunity to gain a ton of insight by meeting with investors, working with C-level executives, etc., and it’s where I learned how to build a business.

It became clear that my passion was helping others build their brands and businesses from scratch. So, with the permission and blessing of the Founder and Co-Founder of that company, I set out to start my own business, Mod House, which is a product development company.

We offer design development, apparel and accessory manufacturing, and other services. Today, I’m not only exercising my passion for helping founders overcome hurdles and mitigate the risks that come with starting a fashion brand, which requires so much capital, time, and labor. I’ve also gained the freedom to work from anywhere in the world because my business model is entirely virtual. So far I’ve visited 26 countries!

Q. What would you say are the mindset shifts that have allowed you to have success so far?

Shannon: Well, the first mindset shift was life-changing for me and it was understanding the bad roommate I had in my head. We all have a voice in our heads that helps us stay on track. But there’s also another voice that often comes from fear and it can override who you are as a person.

So, the first thing that happened is that I shut that roommate out and didn’t let it back in. This allowed me to trust my inner voice a lot more.

The second mindset shift was developing morning rituals. I start my day by saying what I’m grateful for, setting my intentions, and reading an affirmation card to set the tone for the day. I also have a bit of quiet time, which is a type of meditation.

I think these two mindset changes led to the start of this journey and all the other things I’ve accomplished since then.

Q. You’re currently in Thailand, why did you choose it as your destination?

Shannon: I’ve lived in the US my entire life, but now I’m really lucky to be able to travel the world as a digital nomad. After the pandemic, it just dawned on me that I wasn’t living in a culture that supported the kind of mindset I want to maintain.

You know, I’m focused on keeping it positive and practicing mindfulness not just when things are going well, but especially when things are challenging. So, I noticed that the culture as a whole was making it a lot more difficult than ever before.

One day I just realized that I didn’t have to live in that culture anymore, I wanted a change. Thailand just popped into my head at that moment so I did some research and digital nomads were saying it was a “magical place”.

That phrase kept popping up and I thought, what are the chances that all these people say the same thing? Maybe they’re onto something. So, I kept researching, and 60 days later, I was ready to go.

I wanted to live in a culture built on integrity, kindness, and community. A culture that aligned with the values I want for my life and that’s what Thailand is known for, so that’s why I chose it. I have to say, it has exceeded my expectations.

It is indeed magical and good for the soul to be here, and it has allowed me to meet other amazing entrepreneurs with the same mindset. I didn’t see many things coming but the universe made it happen and I’m very happy to be here.

Q. Were you afraid to make a big move like that or did it help you develop your mindset even more?

Shannon: I have a high tolerance for risks. I don’t experience much fear about things. I’d much rather try something new and fail than not try at all. I would even say that I fear not trying.

As an entrepreneur, I think you can’t be afraid of failure. You have to be able to take a step forward and try even if it doesn’t work in the end. I like trying things I’ve never done before and I believe that if you don’t try, you never know.

When I lived in America, I feel like, in certain places, people are afraid to venture outside of their hometowns. Some people truly believe it’s the best country in the world, so they don’t want to see what else is out there.

I’ve visited 26 countries since I started this journey and now I live abroad. I plan on moving again this year, this time to Europe because I think it’s cool to be exposed to other people and I like the excitement of new things. It’s an adventure and I feel like I level up in every new place I visit.

Q. You said you loved the corporate world, which is not the case for many people. What did you love about it?

Shannon: What I loved was the culture. For example, I walked into Nike every day and I worked with 10,000 other hardcore brand enthusiasts. The energy was amazing and the place was just buzzing with creativity.

I was working with people creating some of the best products in the world and I was chosen to be a part of it, so it was special. Additionally, I was passionate about what I was doing and so was everyone else. I think that’s a big part of why I had such a positive experience.

When I worked at Intel, the culture was so diverse. There were people from Russia, India, Czechoslovakia, and many other countries. That exposed me to different perspectives and it’s just another factor that kept things exciting for me. There was always a lot going on and I loved that.

I don’t deny the fact that there are other companies and industries that are very toxic, but I was lucky enough to work at companies that had a great culture and it was a joy to be a part of that. Plus, I was working on products, which is what I liked.

Q. What’s the process of creating a product like? Where should people start?

Shannon: The first place to start is “why?” You need to feel passionate about the product you want to make and have a good reason for it. Some people want to fill a gap, others want to innovate, etc.

Understanding your “why” is the most important thing because it allows you to tell a story that resonates with your target audience and evokes feelings. That’s how you get them to connect with the product and buy it.

Q. So, what’s your why?

Shannon: My why is that I want to make a greater impact. I’ve been lucky enough to work with founders from all over the world across a variety of industries. My goal is to use all that insight to empower 200,000 entrepreneurs through meaningful, actionable content and solid connections.

I have the unique gift to look at any business and do two things: help them save costs and help them achieve greater growth to generate more income. This is not accessible to everyone, so I want to share it for free and make it very simple for entrepreneurs to grasp.

This is what my newsletter, Twitter, and Instagram are all about. Kindness is my currency and I just want to give as much value as possible. This is a different approach because I’m aware there are people out there who charge a lot for what they know. But I don’t want to gatekeep and I don’t want it to be about making money, but about making a positive impact.

Q. What’s a one-sentence piece of advice you’d give to someone who wants to take their first step as an entrepreneur?

Shannon: Make sure whatever you do is something you’re passionate about and obsessed with. That way, it will never feel like work!

To stay up-to-date with Shannon and her entrepreneurial journey, follow them on Instagram.



Michelle Whiting
Michelle Whiting

Written by Michelle Whiting

Copywriter, publicist & entrepreneur. Passionate about sharing empowering and informative stories from thought leaders across the globe.

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