Exclusive with Dr. Meg Haworth, Founder of Get Well Now

Michelle Whiting
5 min readJan 18, 2022


Image Credit: Starla Fortunato

Dr. Meg Haworth is the founder of Get Well Now, a Los Angeles-based company with clients worldwide that provides transpersonal therapies, online wellness programs, nutritional cooking, books, podcasts, videos, and holistic wellness solutions for successful women survivors of abuse with her proprietary emotional release technique & nutrition advice gained from 15 years as a private chef and advisor to celebrities. She also runs an online course and certification program for therapists and coaches to help them decrease empathic overload and build self-trust through intuitive development so that they feel energized after client interactions. For over two decades, Dr. Meg has helped thousands of people heal their bodies and their lives.

For more details, visit their website here.

Here we sit down with Dr. Meg, to know a bit more about her journey as an entrepreneur.

Q. What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

Dr. Meg: It was always in me to be an entrepreneur, I think. As a child, my mom had my sisters and me selling organic vegetables from our garden to neighbors. We would drag our red Radio Flyer wagon filled with veggies up and down the street. We entrepreneurs are just wired a certain way.

Q. How did you get started?

Dr. Meg: In college, I would begin a resume and cover letter writing business while earning my undergrad in writing. Then when I got sick in my twenties (nearly the entire decade of doctor visits), I found holistic medicine and was hooked. In my early thirties, I opened a holistic health retreat center and full-service restaurant in South Carolina. As a pioneer in the holistic wellness field, it was just a necessity to pave my own way and it was in my heart to keep at it. I never felt like I fit into working for someone else though I tried that for years.

Image Credit: Starla Fortunato

Q. What was your biggest startup challenge? What steps did you take to overcome it? What did you learn?

Dr. Meg: When I opened the retreat center, I realized I did not know what I was doing as a business owner so I went to the Small Business Administration and took some courses, and sought mentorship. The center was in rural South Carolina in 1999 so there were many challenges. I learned to meet each challenge one at a time. If you don’t do that, you get so overwhelmed you’d quit early on. We were there for five years and I don’t regret a minute of it. I learned so much it was like getting a degree in start-ups.

Q. What is the Most Memorable Thing You’ve Done Since you Started your Business?

Dr. Meg: When I was struck by lightning in 2014 I would learn I had a level of Moxy I’m proud of myself for entering. I went from successful private chef and nutrition advisor to celebrities to being on unpaid disability overnight with the jolt of a bolt that could’ve killed me. My brain, back, and legs were badly damaged so I had to think fast with some serious limitations. I followed my intuition (like I always do) and I hired a branding strategist and coach to help me create Get Well Now. This choice led me to become a best-selling author (a lifelong dream) and establish myself as a world-class leader in the holistic wellness industry. Since then, every choice I have made has been towards helping myself and others heal their lives on all levels. I combine using food and the power of the mind and heart to help people truly heal. Putting it all together was the best thing ever. Thank you for lighting bolt!

Q. What is one book you recommend, and why?

Dr. Meg: Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda. It’s a total life changer when you learn the unbelievable power we have to defy the natural laws using our own minds and hearts. Yogananda’s extraordinary journey to bring meditation to the west has transformed the world. That kind of influence to do tremendous good for others in ways that make no logical sense to most humans is where the magic of true and lasting change comes from. It’s inspiration at its best.

Q. What are your top 3 favourite online apps, tools, or resources and what do you love about them?

  • Facebook is my favorite social media app because you can so so much and converse with others using the written word.
  • Planoly is a huge help in scheduling content for Instagram that re-posts to Facebook. It lets me focus on other things when I can have content planned and ready to go.
  • PicMonkey makes creating graphics so easy!
Image Credit: Starla Fortunato

Q. In terms of legacy, what is the mark you’d like to leave on the world?

Dr. Meg: I would like everyone struggling with a chronic illness to know that when you take your healing into your own hands and you tend to every part of your holistic system, finding the emotional, mental, physical, and energetic root causes, you can heal just about anything. Perhaps the least tended to the arena in healing illness is the way emotional energy gets trapped in and drains the body to create pain and illness. This is the core of my work. Emotions and their beliefs formed from past experiences can make you sick. Releasing and replacing them can make you well. Food can support your body through that process at lightning (pun intended) speed. That’s my legacy.

Q. In one sentence, what’s the best advice you’d give to someone just starting out on their entrepreneurial journey?

Dr. Meg: If you want to be an entrepreneur, know that it is a personal development journey in which you will need to follow your inner voice step by step and be true to that all along the way knowing that this way of life isn’t an easy one but it’s well worth the ride.

To keep up to date with Dr. Meg and her journey, connect with her on Instagram.



Michelle Whiting
Michelle Whiting

Written by Michelle Whiting

Copywriter, publicist & entrepreneur. Passionate about sharing empowering and informative stories from thought leaders across the globe.

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