Celebrity Dating Coach Moe Abbassi To Launch New Platform For Single Entrepreneurs And Professionals
What good is it swiping right on tinder, bumble, and hinge, if you don’t know what to say, or how to say it? Much like getting into a car without knowing how to drive the vehicle, the excitement will soon be followed by despair, as the hopes you had came crashing down. This is where celebrity dating coach Moe Abbassi, has been able to step in and help thousands of 6–7 figure entrepreneurs with his new dating platform.
Moe has spent years developing his methods, and now has truly established himself as an authority in the dating industry. All of Moe’s experience has brought him to his latest platform, the M.P.L Dating Accelerator. Unlike most platforms that outsource the dating process and try to find “matches” for people, Moe dives deep into the fundamentals of human psychology and communication to deliver a program that is second to none.
The M.P.L. Dating Accelerator is focused on the 3 pillars of finding, meeting, attracting, and keeping amazing women in your life. The “M”, standing for mindset, is perhaps the most important pillar. As some of the most successful people in the world have said, 80% of all success comes from your psychology. This aspect of the platform breaks down how and why people do what they do, and how to use it to your advantage. “If the guys don’t have self esteem and confidence, it will be like trying to light a fire without a match. That’s why I emphasise mindset so much” said Abbassi.
The P, standing for process, teaches his clients a healthy dating process. Starting with how to meet women, the right things to say, some great questions to ask, all the way down to the nuances of messaging. Conventional wisdom is usually always wrong, which is why Moe’s deliberate processes have been able to deliver incredible results.
The “L”, perhaps the most underrated pillar, is lifestyle. Most guys Moe works with are busy, have little time, and are heavily focused on their careers. This part of the process focuses on building new habits, hobbies, interests that they can fit into their busy schedules, while simultaneously meeting women effortlessly based on their unique personality types. Positioning themselves as an adventurous, exciting guy who people want to know, is one of the most effective ways to attract women.
The dating tricks of old are no longer relevant in today’s fast paced world and with so much more opportunity, why do so many guys still struggle? “Well maybe they’ve tried it out, they’ve gone online and swiped, typed endless drafts of their ‘bio’ and spent days deliberating on pictures without getting results. This is a good way of wrecking their self-esteem and putting off that long-awaited return to the social world, plus it’s not going to help them shape up on business applicable skills. The only way to do that is to meet women in person.” said Abbassi. The M.P.L Dating Accelerator is taking the dating world by storm and is only recommended for those who are serious about getting results.
If you want to learn more about his programs, follow him @moeabbassi.